Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our Garden!

I'm pretty sure we planted late last year and we did that again this year but at least we did it and hopefully will have plenty of veggies this fall and flowers through summer! Linnea had a great time helping and here is a video of what she believes is in the garden:

What really is there are tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers and green beans. We contemplated lettuce and carrots but tried carrots last year with no luck and we dont have a great spot for lettuce so maybe another year. I got some wildflower "bombs" as a gift at a baby shower so hopefully those work out! They are little balls that were made to look like peas in a pond and apparently if you throw them in your garden and water them, the wrapper dissolves, the seed spread and you have 3-5 different kinds of flowers in your garden. So we will see how it works out!

Dont worry this post was not just written...we did plant in early June, not late June!
So far the plants are looking great! 

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