Monday, September 2, 2013

11 Months

I should probably post this before Harper turns the big ONE in like 2.5 weeks!

We absolutely cannot believe that this lil babe is 11 months old! I dont know where the time goes! The next post about her will say ONE! yikes! She has been a pure joy to raise these past 11 months.
She enjoys swinging and riding in the wagon or any stroller.

She is sleeping for longer stretches in the crib but is in our bed at some point still. 

She loves clapping and being clapped for. She loves eating even though she has no teeth...well one has almost popped through.

 She is crawling all it slow...but she is moving! And she learning to pull herself up on to anything and once she gets there she pretty much shakes with excitement.

She usually has a gummy smile for anyone paying attention to her.

 She points for things she wants or points to the room she wants to go to. She will lean towards people she wants. She laughs and laughs with her sister and follows her around on all fours.  
And she sadly doesnt get daddy when I go back to work anymore. We were truly lucky to not need anyone else to care for her until now though. We have a neighbor who can watch her at our house until the end of Feb when she moves back to Spain. She is great with Harper so we arent too worried but I of course wish it could be me, daddy or a grandparent :(

This is the face I got when I took a sticker away that she was trying to eat.

And this is the look at 10:30pm...I'm not sure why she was still awake but she was in no hurry to be sleeping.

And these gals are going to have a hard time waking up for school and daycare. And who am I will be very hard for me to get up for work too. How the three of us are going to get out the door on time beats me...

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