Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Marathon Weekend!

The long awaited WhistleStop Marathon has happened! 
It is always exciting when the event you have been training for for 18 weeks arrives! 

We drove up Friday afternoon after Harper's two year appt and Linnea's flu mist. 
Harper got her flu mist as well but I thought I better wait in case I had any side effects that would make a marathon difficult :)

It was a chilly start to the run but the sun was also shining and I really don't mind running in cooler weather :)

here is where we waited to start.

ready to go!

Some pretty views on this wonderful run... 

My parents, the girls and Chris saw me in 3 places and at the end. My parents actually saw me in 4 plus the end. Chris and the gals were getting food when my parents saw me around mile 23. 
Each time Linnea saw me she said you better hurry so you can win!

They were all there to cheer me on at the end of marathon number 9!!

photo by Linnea :)

It was a great, flat and fast marathon that I would recomment to anyone. I did it in 4 hours 9 minutes which was within my goal of between 4 hours and 4 hrs 15 minutes :)

Marathon Number 10 will be in....DISNEY WOLRD!!!!!! 
Yup...this January...a magical trip for the Meyers and my parents is coming. 
So the marathon training continues :)

1 comment:

Alison said...

You're amazing! 9 marathons! I'd be thrilled if I could run a 5k! Congratulations :)