Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

I think Chris had a fun first Father's Day! We started the day with Caribou Coffee and dougnuts from Rainbow. Linnea and I went to get these things while Chris slept in. We ate them outside while reading the paper. I apologize for no photo of this fun lil picnic!
After breakfast we headed over to my parents house in Woodbury where we spent the rest of the day. We went for a walk and Linnea experienced her first big swinging trip and a few trips down the slide with grandpa and her dad.
Linnea and Dylan also had some bonding time at the park. Look at those proud daddies with their kiddoes!
Linnea gave both her dad and grandpa a photo album of herself with them. We had a great time making them. Her daddy also got a book of fun games they can play together! Linnea was having so much fun her dad and grandpa that she refused to nap...so unfortunately bedtime on Father's Day was not a good one. But the day was great!
Happy Father's Day again daddies and thanks for all you do!

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