Monday, June 29, 2009

Linnea gets a kiss from God!

Linnea had a very special day this past Sunday. She was baptized at my family's church. It was a great day. Linnea got a letter from the Pastor and lots of attention. She was very good as the water was poured on her and when she toured the church aisles with our pastor! We were very proud of her. And as you can see below she looks very proud of herself too.
She was able to wear the same baptismal gown that my brothers and I wore for ours. It was quite special since my mom made it.
She was pretty tired after her special part of the service ended and passed out in daddy's arms.
Here was her special banner.
And Linnea eagerly awaiting her one of many special moments.
We had a brunch over at my parents house in Woodbury since it was just a few minutes from the church. We took many family photos in this spot! Here are Linnea's godparents Maggie and Aaron, cousins of Chris's.
And here is the happy family of 3!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love that second photo- it's such a cute photo of her! Love the bow!