Sunday, May 16, 2010


The weekend before Mother's Day Chris and I had a date day where I also received my Mother's Day gift from him and Linnea. We started out dropping Linnea off at grandma and grandpa's and then headed to Afton where their new wine shop called Swirl had their grand opening which entailed free wine tasting and free apps. We found delicious wine to buy and also some Rum Chata...if you are familiar with the group Vampire Weekend you may now have a song in your head. heehee.
The gift however, wasn't the wine. It was a couples massage at Calla Lily Day Spa. And it was FABULOUS and affordable so if you are looking for a new spa, head to Afton!!!! I was so tired afterwards though that we just had energy to grab some dinner at the Winzer Stube in Hudson and then head back to my parents to get Linnea who had a lot of fun sleeping and playing at the park while Chris and I got some time to ourselves. It again had been way too long...the last date was December! We are going to try harder to have one date a month!
The restaurant was very cool and made you feel like you were right in Germany! We had a great day!

1 comment:

Reghann and Chris said...

your date night sounded like alot of fun!! linnea is getting so big...hopefully we will see you on sunday!