Monday, June 28, 2010

2 Year Old Twins!

Happy Second Birthday Peyton (above) and Ella (below)!!!
Our twin nieces turned two around Father's Day so we got to go out to their house and celebrate the day before Father's Day. It was a nice day but unfortunately not nice enough to play in the water in this year.

But it was plenty nice to play in the twins' new tent and tunnel! This was the first time Linnea has been able to get through the tunnel since she just figured out how to crawl!

The kitchen was a hit that Grandma Sarah and Grandpa Dave gave them.

And Linnea also enjoyed this box! The twins have chickens and turkeys at their house and lots of cats so we enjoyed checking those out as well. We hope the twins had as much fun at their bday as we did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those cute twins look alot like there sister, Naomi!
