Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Saturday Morning Walk

Saturday morning Linnea and I went on a lovely walk around Como Lake. Near the end she insisted on getting out and walking around which I thought was just fine! The more practice walking the better, plus we werent really in a hurry. Im so glad she wanted to get out and walk where she did because it gave me some great photo ops! Look an enjoy our sweet little girl.

She was very sad I wouldn't let her go in this lake water. Sorry Linnea it was practically a dropoff right away. We will go back to Lake Johanna to go wading. I promise.

This train cheered her up though! I know...she doesn't look very cheery, but that's because the poor babe had a sinus infection. We learned that on Sunday when we took her in to urgent care after the runny nose and low grade temp wouldn't go away. And her eyes just didnt look like herself. She was a trooper though and slept over at grandma and grandpa's and watched me run the Stillwater half marathon.
I had brought her in on Monday and the dr told me it was just teething. So maybe it was teething and the beginning of the sinus infection, but either way she is much better now that she has been on amoxicillan. Thank goodness since we leave tomorrow for our road trip to Ohio and it's just nice to have happy Linnea back.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos by the tree. She seems to love plants and animals!

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to sign my post! Grandpa Keith