Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stillwater Half Marathon

After 12 weeks of somewhat strenuous training the big day arrived! I ran and finished the Stillwater Half Marathon. I didn't get the time I wanted, but considering the heat and the hills I am very happy with it! It took me just over 2 hrs and I was shooting for just under 2 hrs but like I said I'm happy with it. Chris didn't get to run it due to some tendon injuries so that was too bad but he did find a coworker to run in his place. He is tall one in the back! Chuck, myself and my good friend Mikey from college are the others. This was before the race and unfortunately I don't have any from after since we didn't find each other :(. My dad has some though so I will get them up as soon as I get them!

We had to take a bus to the start. The start was at 7 which was soo much earlier than Im usually functioning but thank God it was at 7 or it would have just been hotter.

Here we are on the bus.

And here we are at the start! All together which only lasted for the first mile. Oh well, we knew we are all going through the same stuff. We did find Chuck at the end so we used our free beer ticket together and also found our free Quiznos subs. These two things and the fun pasta feed dinner we did the night before made the 13.1 miles all worth it.

This video is our dear sleepy Linnea. She and we had a busy day. After she crossed the finish line in my arms and spent some time in Stillwater she went back to my parents house with them and took a lil catnap in the car. Chris and I also went to my parents house for a BBQ since it was Memorial Day Weekend and my aunt and uncle were visiting from Utah. I sadly don't have any pics from this fun picnic, but I do have this video showing how exhausted Linnea was. This was at 6:30pm about 4 blocks from home. She was asleep in her crib by 6:45 and slept til 8am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 1/2 Marathon. We had a great time with Linnea overnight. That is a Cute video!
Love, Grandpa Keith