Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cincinnati Zoo, Day 3

After all the festivities of driving and such on Wednesday and Thursday, we decided to just wake up when we wake up on Friday. So around 9:30 (8:30 our time)we were up and getting ready for the Cincinnati Zoo!
We really love zoos and this one was spectacular! A little warm but we had a great time!

And Linnea got to see some new a manatee, elephants, a rhino and a polar bear! She of course pointed and squealed at her favorites...the monkeys and cats.
It was so nice to have daddy with us at this trip to the zoo!

We ended the day in downtown Cincinnati for a dinner at a local sandwich shop and then walked around until we found Graeter's, some of the best ice cream ever. We found one which was right by a big plaza in downtown that had a free music show so we stayed for that for a little while and then headed back to the hotel. It was a great day!

1 comment:

Alison said... thing I miss about Ohio! Graeter's ice cream! They have chocolate chunks the size of golfballs! Soooooo good :)