Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July 2011!!!

We had a nice 4th of July. It was kind of a relaxing day after our four super busy days leading up to it! We all slept in again, I went for a run and then packed a lunch up for Linnea and I to bring to my grandma's (GG's). We got Linnea into her third 4th of July outfit and headed out. We picked up Caribou smoothies along the way since lil Bou's (Linnea) got a free drink with the purchase of any other drink. That was a surprise for grandma. After lunch, some chatting, some climbing and dancing around the room and some viewing of Toy Story, Linnea decided she wanted to ride on her GG's lap in the wheelchair. Well, there was no way we would pass on this sweet request so I got her on grandma's lap and we strolled around the upstairs of the Estates. After the ride was over it was time to go home and get squirt down for a nap and get ready for our 4th of July guests.

Chris stayed back and got most of the cleaning done but I needed to get some food ready. The Wallin's arrived around 5 and we grilled pork, had pasta salad and some veggies and chips and dip. The lil girls had a GREAT time running back and forth throughout the house and giggling and screaming away. Eventually they wanted to go out in the pool in our yard so we did that quick before having the dessert. A yummy red, white and blue berry trifle! We said our goodbyes to our friends and got Linnea to bed by 9 which was an hour earlier than the last three nights (oops, 10pm is quite late for a toddler but we were having so much fun and she was still getting enough sleep since she proceeded to slumber til 10 each morning and still napped. We are very lucky!) She did just fine getting up for daycare today and no tears at dropoff even after 5 days off! YAY! This Mom was a lil worried, but didn't need to be.

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