Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Kaylan and Doodlebops!

We got to babysit baby Kaylan for a few hours this past Friday! She was a sweetie and we would be happy to do it again anytime. Linnea thought it was pretty fun too and gave her many kisses and pushes in the swing. On a side note, we tried making buffalo burgers with ground buffalo from the Farmer's Market, however we sadly added enough salt for 2lbs instead of one. The recipe we found online was for 2lbs and someone forgot we only had 1 pound. And by we, I mean Chris. Oh well! I tried making zuke fries to go with them, but didn't like them very much either. So it wasn't our best supper. It happens. We had a cute baby over to cheer us up! Kaylan is growing so fast and doing so many different things! Her smile fills her face and lights up the room!
Saturday morning when I went to get Linnea before my run she asked where her baby Kaylan was but then quickly remembered, oh yeah, uncle Brian picked her up. She decided she wanted to snuggle with daddy instead of run with me so off I went on my own. Chris and her made their way downstairs shortly after and found her fav Saturday morning show, the DoodleBops! I think it's a very strange show and am happy it is only on on Saturdays at our house :) She had her breakfast in front of it while we got ready to go to Afton Apple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Linnea and Kaylan in the crib.