Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Thanksgiving over at Cheryl and Dwight's.The weather was beautiful so after our feast we went on a nice walk around Dwight's neighborhood. Linnea decided she needed a nap though! She slept on Cheryl and Dwights bed for about 2hours!
She loved their piano, toys that we played with as kids and their cats!

and making funny faces across the table to Uncle Dwight!

We visited GG after squirt woke up and having pie. GG loved the leftovers!

And Linnea enjoyed running through the halls, riding in GG's lap and playing nigh nigh on the card table when it was laying down. However our night didn't end at GG's....

One of my dad's student workers from Ecquador was over at Ted and Kathy's (family/work friends) house for Thanksgiving so we went over there for more pie and visiting. Linnea had a great time with the animals at Ted's and with all the people there.
Linnea and I left a little before my parents to head to my parents house to get her down to bed. Chris had to work 2:30-10:30 both Thanksgiving and Day after Thanksgiving so it was easier and more fun for me to just spend the night at my parents rather than go home to an empty house especially on a holiday :)
Friday morning I got up and went running since my dad was at home to watch Linnea. When I finished running we had breakfast together and then kiddo and I headed home to see and play with daddy before he left for work. Since it wasn't too cold we walked to the neighborhood park and played for a while before lunch. Lunch was had (I believe it was a picnic on the kitchen floor) and then Chris headed to work and Linnea laid down for a nap shortly after.
I had some time to myself so I think I did some online Black Friday shopping (I didn't go to any stores this year!) and got out our Christmas decorations. When Linnea woke up she was pretty upset because for the first time she wet her bed during nap. She did this at daycare maybe twice but has never done it at home :( Poor thing cried and cried and was so sad that this happened. So I comforted her and said it was just an accident and easy enough to clean up, but reminded her that is why we always go potty before we fall asleep. She took a bath which she was still crying during. But then we put comfy clothes on, she helped make some dinner and played a little to cheer up. Then to really cheer up, we popped some popcorn and cuddled on the couch for one of my all time fav Christmas movies...The Polar Express. Linnea loved it and now calls it the Polar Bear Express and would probably watch it everyday if allowed!
We had a great mommy daughter night but of course missed Chris and he missed us but made us some good money :) We are so thankful for our time together during the holidays and all year long!

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