Saturday, November 5, 2011


We went back and forth as to whether or not to take Linnea to ZooBoo at Como this year. Would she get it, would she get scared, is it worth the money? She was still battling an ear infection, cough and runny nose...

But boy are we glad we went! We made a last minute decision to go and had a blast! Linnea loved looking at all the cute signs the zoo puts up and people in costume seem to usually make her day so she was in heaven.

There were lots of people dressed as Disney characters, she didn't know who they all were but she did see TinkerBell and since she was dressed up as her too that was pretty neat. She could not figure out these parrots. She walked up to every one and stared at it and touched it and stared some more as if she was waiting for it to move. Who knows if she ever realized they were not real. We told her they were pretend birds but the confusion remained ;)

She had some "tea" with Belle!

And posed at Linus from the Great Pumpkin. She actually posed with just about every wooden plaque with a character on it so we definitely got our moneys worth with the amount of time it took to get through :)

She walked most of the way which was nice and she got very good at saying trick or treat and thank you. I loved that they gave out healthy treats mixed in with the candy too :) We ended the night with Burger King since I had been busy baking all day for treats for her daycare Halloween party, it was late and no one felt like cooking.

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