Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Urgent Care, Pima Canyon, B-Line and Happy Hour

As luck would have it, my cough I talked about in the previous post continued to get worse through the night so we thought it would be smart to go to urgent care. Yes urgent care on our vacation. Our first extended vacation just the two of us in a LONG time. And we picked the slowest urgent care ever, but 3 hours later we were really glad we went. My chest was super tight so I got to use an albuterol breathing tube/machine to loosen everything up and also got some strong meds which luckily had no awful side effects to ruin the trip! Everything helped! By the time we got my meds we received a call from Carl and Lori that their plane had landed! We were still by the airport since we had rented our car from there before hitting urgent care. So we went to pick them up, ran to Target and grabbed lunch at Wendy's. Great fuel for our 2 hour hike we proceeded to go on. I know its weird to go to urgent care get diagnosed with a bad cough and still hike but I have been looking forward to this for a long time so I didnt want to miss out on anything :) Plus I think the air helped! Anyways...we found an awesome hike in The Pima Canyon and even found a letterbox along the way.


Carl and Lori!

Beautiful view of Tucson.

Lori and Amy!
We also found something I absolutely hate. The largest, fattest, redish and blackish centipede I have ever seen in my life. I was leading the way and saw it creep under a rock and I bolted. I am not making it up either because the rest of the crew saw it briefly too and it was disgusting. It was an out and back hike and I thank God we didn't see it on the return trip! But we did see a wild tortoise. Very welcoming after that centipede! However it did startle us and we were very glad we didn't step on it thinking it was a rock!

Desert sunsets. One of life's most beautiful things.

After our 2 hours of fun was done we headed back to the hotel to shower and get ready for dinner. We chose to go to the B-Line which had wonderful burritos and a very fun atmosphere!

We had just enough energy left after that to go see Aidan and Barb and "the brothers" (Aidan has 5 bros) and some friends for a drink before heading back to the hotel for bed. Again, the 2 hours behind in AZ takes some getting used to. What a fun day (minus Urgent Care).

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