Thursday, August 16, 2012

Children's Museum!

Linnea and I scored another free pass from the library for the Children's Museum! We shared it with Erin and Emma and had a great day there...minus an incident in the Curious George exhibit which I will get to in a few minutes. So we met our friends there around 10 and caught a pretty fun interactive storytime, then spent some time in the CyberChase exhibit.

(we weren't familiar with Cyberchase but the girls were very interested in checking it out. so we did), from there we made our way to Curious George which we all were excited about! Linnea thought we were going to actual see the monkey but he wasn't there on Wednesday, I think just Saturdays maybe. Oh well, she survived and had fun with all the other activities. There was a rocket ship slide and this is where the incident happened. I was standing a little ways from the rocket because I wanted to take a picture of L sticking her head through a hole near the top of the slide.

Well somewhere between her popping her head back in and continuing up the steps to get to the slide I became a terrible parent, according to a very hipster looking rude man. He said Linnea was attacking his son and that I should watch my kid. He told me I had terrible parenting skills. I was so upset. I went to catch Linnea at the bottom of the slide (I know, terrible thing to do) and I decided to go back and confront him because he really had no right to say that. No one does. He knows nothing about me or my daughter or my life or anything. I just went back and asked him if he was talking to me and calling me a terrible parent. He said yes he was and that I needed to watch my child. I told him I was and then we pretty much just tried to move on and stay away from that rocket ship.What an ass. I can't imagine ever telling someone they have terrible parenting skills in a setting like this. Good Grief! Way to ruin a fun time with Curious George. 

Needless to say there were about two field trips there with big kids kids running wild and barging up this rocket terrifying the little kids. I am thinking Linnea was scared, felt trapped and didn't know how to get through all the kids to the top of the slide, but even with all of that I am pretty certain she wasn't attacking anyone.
We had a great time after leaving the scene of the incident and played in the 5 and under area and then with bubbles and the water tables. 

silly faces!

putting on a puppet show!

We all were getting pretty hungry and tired after all that so headed home for lunch and naps. When we woke up and daddy came home we headed over to Erin and Emma's for dinner with them and Emma's daddy. Overrall another great day!


mack said...

well, i just have to comment again - cuz of that dope. for someone who knows you it almost sounds kinda funny - linnea "attacking" children, and you perhaps off drinking cocktails (pregnant, of course) and texting in the corner. sorry he said those mean things, but everyone here knows that's HIS problem and doesn't have anything to do with you. you were just the unlucky random one standing there for him to dump his crap on (maybe he felt better afterwards by making someonee else feel bad for a while). i think he would have found a reason to shout at anyone who was around right then. ...and he doesn't really sound like the kind of guy whose opinion you should value much or who you should be taking parenting tips from! ;-)

Amy said...

thank you Mack, you are absolutely right.the attacking does make me snicker now. Linnea is really quite timid and cowers anytime there is too much of a crowd too close to her. which I am sure was the case in this rocket slide.