Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Turkey Crafts

We have done a few turkey crafts on our own here at home...most of the Thanksgiving crafts were done on our trip with our family but I saved these to do just with Linnea...one of them would have been far too messy and the other one I dont think I had enough supplies. So here are our turkeys:

this guy is made on cardboard and we used popcorn kernels, lentils, rice, sliced almonds and fruit loops! fun to do using just we had on hand.

and here we have a glittery turkey made with glitter glue, contact paper and construction paper...again just using what we had on hand. I LOVE crafts and am so proud of Linnea for working so hard on these and pretty much on her own. She is usually not nearly as excited about these things as me but does them anyways and does enjoy them in the end :)

1 comment:

mack said...

gosh - that was like 45+ minutes of blog-reading for me. you marathon blogger, you. i still can't fathom what happened to carolyn. i read two articles online - it's unimaginable. i hope her mom is somehow hanging in there - looks like you are helping her a lot.

on a happier note: happy thanksgiving to you! love, mack and timo