Monday, November 19, 2012

Visiting GG

Us girls visited GG on our own for the first time I think! The girls did really well. Harper ate and Linnea colored some turkey and scarecrow masks. We also shared some apple crisp I had made in honor of Linnea's first day at her new preschool. It is a little more challenging to go now that she is in the nursing home and there isnt nearly as much space since she shares a room but as you can see Linnea crawled right on the bed and made herself at home.

Harper also got some GG snuggle time.

This was after we went to my cousin Stefanie's house to get her leftover tote of daycare crafts she had.
I am so lucky to have her offer her extra craft stuff to me. It keeps Linnea busy and her cousins and I hope to have a kid craft night with her friends too!

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