Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pierce County Fair

There are two good looking guys with some very cute kids...a great daddy and grandpa! This was before walking into the Pierce County Fair. I love how the cousins are reaching for each other!
Here is Linnea enjoying her time with the animals again. This time she really got a kick out of the goats! This one kept licking her foot and she would just giggle with delight. Chris sadly didn't get to come to the fair with us again. He has been battling a cold and I had to work almost every night last week so he was very worn out. After a trip to AZ and then going right to his FT job and coming home to take care of Linnea really can wear a person out. So he took Saturday to try to get better while I was off with the babe to the Fair with mom, dad, Erik and Dylan. Lisa sadly couldn't go either, because she also needed to rest. Hopefully they can make it to the State Fair!
Here are the adorable kiddoes!

We all had a great time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all had a great time. It was fun to see Dylan and Linnea together.

Grandpa Keith