Monday, October 22, 2012

Colic/Reflux Baby

Two Thursday nights ago and leading into Friday was the roughest time of a family of four yet...Harper had a terrible night of no sleep and lots of crying and discomfort which equals mommy up a long time trying to soothe little one. Daddy was able to come home early from work so I brought Harper in to the Dr to get some tips or see if she had acid reflux problems since thanks to facebook we learned plenty of our friends assumed this was the case. Well they were right. Harper is now on Zantac to help with the has helped decrease the spit up but she still seems super gassy and uncomfortable most of the night so now I'm thinking it is colic and we will be dealing with it for months, just like I made my parents deal with it when I was a baby. She is generally calm and sleeping during the day and quite the opposite during the night. She rotates between sleeping in our arms, the swing or the bouncy seat at night. Or just crying and not sleeping.

 On a happier note that morning I did muster enough energy to make new pumpkin muffins for our Halloween party on Saturday. The recipe is so simple...a can of pumpkin mixed with a yellow cake mix! thats it! so easy and quick and Linnea can easily help! After they cooled, we frosted them with chocolate or orange frosting and then decorated them with reeses pieces. Very festive, quick and easy! Thank you Pinterest! On another happy note I have watched plenty of my fav girly movies during the late nights! I thought I had a picture of these creations...but I guess not.

And on an even happier note Friday evening was spent at our neighbors house with a few other families and their kids. Linnea had fun doing some crafts and playing dress up and dancing with the girls, Harper enjoyed being passed around and Chris and I enjoyed being with other adults! One funny story about the night happened when the girls all came charging down the stairs ready to tattle on "Linnea", only it wasn't our Linnea, it was the other Linnea in the neighborhood, yes there are two. So the girls went and told Linnea's mom that she was hitting them and our Linnea comes to us in a very worried voice saying, " those girls keep telling me I am hitting them, but I'm not hitting them, I'm a nice girl." We had to remind her without giggling that there is another Linnea in the group and that is who they are talking about. We don't have any pictures from the evening but here are some of Harper from throughout the week that I have randomly taken:

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