Sunday, September 16, 2012

40 Weeks!

So here we are....already at due date weekend! 
Friday I made some spicy salsa after work with hopes that maybe if I ate that through the weekend we would have this baby. No luck, but anyways. After supper we spent some time with our neighbors at the Choo Choo Park before our usual ice cream with a show before bed. 

Saturday I got up and went for a walk and then I guess you could say we just kind of "nested" and waited around here. We got more dishes (including some bottles) and laundry (including the bassinet bedding) done. We put lots of clothes away. Watched some shows. Did some puzzles and coloring. And then we found a new park which also had a letterbox there, a letterbox we actually found! woohoo! 

We came home and made chicken tacos on corn tortillas with homemade taco seasoning so Chris didn't need to worry about any gluten! He is doing much better with this elimination! Still going to an upper GI doctor on the 26th of Sept to make sure nothing else is going on.
Here I am Sunday the 16th...the due date of baby number 2. But no baby. So we will all be going to work and preschool tomorrow, provided nothing happens through the night, which I am not expecting anything to. 

 I think this baby will be born on the first day of fall which is Saturday September 22nd, just like Linnea was born on the first day of Winter. This one does not need to follow Linnea's footsteps and be induced though. Linnea went to Sunday School again, but with just my mom this morning so that Chris and I could go shopping for her present from her sibling(aka, stuff to keep her busy when visiting in the hospital!)

Chris' family came up around 3 and delivered our new crib! So Chris will be putting that up tomorrow after work. We had Linnea's old one set up in the room for two pictures you saw, but that one is just not in good shape anymore and we dont trust putting a baby in there. We showed his family the choo choo park and had Z pizza with them since we had a BOGO coupon and they make gluten free pizzas. Fun day and weekend! A little more low key than I am used to but as Linnea laid down she said, I had fun today. So that makes me happy! She also told me it is too hot to be fall still, that is why baby is not here. I think she is right. This week will be cooler though so that is a good sign!

1 comment:

mack said...

oh, we're getting very excited - as i'm sure you already are!!!!! can't wait for your blog of the fall know that you should probably have a spring baby and a summer baby too, right? ;-) wouldn't that be cool?!

we're rooting for you from across the pond! love, mack