Monday, June 3, 2013

8 months!

How is she 8 months old??  Here is the picture of Harper and the pig and some of both girls...who's who??

I am 8 months old now! I love to sit and Im starting to move backwards on my tummy. I'm super fast getting to my tummy but still don't know how to get back to my back so I just scream and cry until someone helps. My big sister cracks me up, my mama is always taking us somewhere and I absolutely adore my daddy. I have tried a variety of foods but I can't do bananas or rice cereal since I seem to always be constipated :( I also haven't made my way to the crib yet. Mommy and Daddy's bed is way better or their laps or the couch or carseat, basically anywhere but a crib. I like to ride in the stroller without my carseat and I continue to love music and bop my head back and forth. My parents will try to get a video soon. Other than the sleeping and constipation I am healthy as can be! My 9 month appt is coming up where we find out how big I am.


Al said...

I cannot believe she's already 8 months old! She was just a tiny little peanut when I was back in Minnesota...cuuuu Harper :)

mack said...

just love reading about all your fun adventures! thanks for posting again.