Friday, June 14, 2013

Pre-School Picnic and My Last Day!

I took a half day on June 3rd so I could go to Linnea's little end of year preschool picnic. I'm so glad I did so I could once again be reminded of how happy she is there and what a great group of teachers and students are there. She will likely have a break from school this summer to save some money. We have her in one parks and rec class and Im trying to decide between one or two more and this mama keeps her plenty busy :) Here are some pictures from the fun morning:

such a proud preschooler!

Later that week (Thursday) was my last day of work for the summer unless we absolutely need me to find a part time seasonal job...always a challenge and maybe not worth it considering how much I would miss the girls and Chris. I celebrated with a glass of wine after Harper nursed, Linnea had ice cream and Chris may have sampled the wine. 

schools out for summer!!

1 comment:

mack said...

congrats on your PR - are you kidding?! that's awsome. i love that Picture of linnea and Chris! have a great start to summer!!!!
love, mack (PS i posted a bunch of our vacation Pictures yesterday)