Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gardening, a picnic and attacking 4 yrs worth of girls clothes!

In between the snow, the rain and the sicknesses this spring we did plant a garden. My parents helped with flowers on Mother's Day which I think I posted about and then I was finally able to get the veggies my parents had started in after school was out. We planted the usual...tomatoes, beans, peppers, zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers and peas. I sure hope it works better than last year or we may just have flowers next year! I will try to get a picture tomorrow.

Along with fun, family stuff this summer we are determined to organize our basement, get updated pictures on the walls and finish other random things around the house. I started with the girls clothes...turns out we had a total of 8, yes 8 totes of little girl clothes!!! Some weren't all the way full so I did a lot of combining along with the organizing and labeling. SO now when Harper needs her bigger clothes I will have a much easier time finding them! And we were able to borrow baby Cora a bunch of clothes too. (blog post about Cora to come)

That project took about 2 hours one morning which meant Linnea had to kind of entertain herself while Daddy helped with Harps and other house stuff. Linnea sometimes has a hard time doing that...she likes to have us play with her all the time or put things out for her to do. We are working on this :) She did pretty good for the 2 hrs I worked so we had a family picnic at the choo choo park.

It was a great start to summer!

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