Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Kid Concerts, Puppet Wagons and Crafts

This is a random post about what we've been up to so far this summer! I will try to not get so behind but we get so busy going out and about that I don't take the time I want to do this blog. I wanted to be up to date by the time we went on our vacation but that didn't happen so I am trying to catch up now and it's hard to remember everything we did and remember where all the pictures are...are they on FB, on my phone, the camera or Chris's anyways...
I know this cute picture below was taken after a rough night of sleep. They looked so cute though so I had to snap a picture to remind myself how sweet they are even if they still sometimes wake up every two hours to eat, pee, cry, help with the covers, have some water, etc.

One thing we've done is some glittery, sparkly crafts! These were done with glue, baking soda and food coloring. Thanks pinterest for the fun idea!

We went to see one of many kids musicians at Ojibway Park in Woodbury. What a perfect spot for a concert! A huge stage, open field and playground. We enjoyed the music, had a picnic, played and then visited GG. I think there are two more shows this summer like this. Another great part is that they are free! I caught the girls having a holding hands moment! 
I love it!

We saw the Okee Dokee Brothers again! This time inside at Central Park in Woodbury. This is also where Brian and Megan got married : ) Linnea is down in front with the orange and white dress on.

Here we are below at a puppet wagon show...we will likely go to one of these once a week. They are so cute. Always at a park too so its fun to bring a picnic for during or after the show depending on the time we go :)

Once again, I'll try to be better at blogging but if you don't see one for a while, we are likely just out having fun :)

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