Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Como Zoo, Beach, Girls Movie Night!

What a wonderful day we had a few weeks ago...the girls and I had a day at the Como Zoo to see the animals since we hadn't done that in a while.

Tiger Time!

 It got quite warm and I didn't pack a huge lunch so I treated them to some popsicles :)

Pictures on the gorilla and tortoise :)

Running through the mister on our way out before heading to the beach to cool off!

We hadnt been to Lake Josephine yet so we headed there and met up with some friends who needed a beach break after their long trip home from a cabin.

The day didn't end there...I took just Linnea to an outdoor movie in the park that night with my friend Lisa and her twin girls who are a year older than Linnea. 
We all get along so well!

The Minneapolis police showed us their horses! 

It was a PERFECT night for a GIRLS NIGHT! Can't wait to do it again!

Snacking, having pop (root beer) and staying up waaay past bedtime! We didnt get home til a little after 11. She passed out on the way home. It was a memorable and good night. 

Falling in love with Wilbur during Charlotte's Web.

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